Funny Comebacks for a Drill Sargeant

Victor Co Heather

  • #1

What are the funniest insults you've heard a drill Sergeant yell at recruits?

Victor Co Heather

  • #4

Re: Funny Drill Sgt Insults?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: KNIGHT11B4</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Your as f-ing usefull as a football bat...

I love that one. </div></div>

Haha that is f*(King funny!

  • #6

Re: Funny Drill Sgt Insults?

I will duct tape your eyeballs onto the back of your head so you can watch me kicking your ass!

High Binder

  • #10

Re: Funny Drill Sgt Insults?

My RDC would always refer to one guy as the division's "Shit Fan" as he was the fattest and slowest at everything.

Mostly though he would just pop up out of nowhere and yell, "DOWN" meaning hit the deck in push-up position.


  • #17

Re: Funny Drill Sgt Insults?

Drill Instructor Staff Sergeant LeRoy:(In his Cajun best)

You God damn grabastic piece of shit, the best part of you ran down the crack of your momma's ass into the alley where she was gang raped by biker midgets

I have always smiled at this from day one when I first heard it, and have used it throughout life as my greatest insult. It just speaks to the breeding of your typical asshat and those repugnant assclowns we all meet on a day to day basis

Of course DI S/Sgt MArtinez was fond of using,"You fucking maggot, I will rip your fucking head off, shit down your neck, then skull fuck you!" It was never yelled, but said in a very slow and earnest voice, barely above a whisper. The groucho walk up as he got low and looked up moving that smoky into a recruit's face was fucking priceless!

  • #18

Re: Funny Drill Sgt Insults?

"Private Ruby you must be confused! Cover me while I throw my canteen!"

The Mechanic

  • #22

Re: Funny Drill Sgt Insults?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Switchblade</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Of course DI S/Sgt MArtinez was fond of using,"You fucking maggot, I will rip your fucking head off, shit down your neck, then skull fuck you!" It was never yelled, but said in a very slow and earnest voice, barely above a whisper. The groucho walk up as he got low and looked up moving that smoky into a recruit's face was fucking priceless!</div></div>

I had a DI S/Sgt Martinez when I went through basic at MCRD in 1983. Do you think it is the same?


  • #23

Re: Funny Drill Sgt Insults?

Short little sawed off motherfucker, Mexican, kinda stocky, and if memory serves, 03 series? I gradded 'Hollywood' Sep 18th '82 and was in Millington NAS on the Birthday. He very well could be the same guy...3BN, right?

PM to you Mechanic...
Semper Fiiii!

Victor Co Heather

  • #25

Re: Funny Drill Sgt Insults?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: scottishtornado</div><div class="ubbcode-body">" Your about as much use as a ashtray on a motorcycle"

" Your about as much use as a chocolate teapot"

" When god gave out spaces you thought he said faces and asked for one between your ears"

Ahhhh the good ole days. </div></div>


The Mechanic

  • #28

Re: Funny Drill Sgt Insults?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Switchblade</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Short little sawed off motherfucker, Mexican, kinda stocky, and if memory serves, 03 series? I gradded 'Hollywood' Sep 18th '82 and was in Millington NAS on the Birthday. He very well could be the same guy...3BN, right?

PM to you Mechanic...
Semper Fiiii!</div></div>
That's him. Small world.



  • #29

Re: Funny Drill Sgt Insults?

If you saw him, you had to see LeRoy from 3BN. He was this tall assed Cajun, light green freckled motherfucker with a voice that would carry across the grinder. Wehn I was at KMCAS shortly after our det to Oki, I was walking down the blvd from teh PX back to my wing side, and I hear this familiar voice,"Yea HEY Marine! Where Yew GOIN Boy!? I stopped fuck dead in my tracks, looked slowly back and across teh street, and there was that sumbitch still tall and freckled ass light green as he ever was. We of course shook hands, and made tracks to the club where several brews were consumed and deep bullshit sea stories swapped.
You just don't see that in the Army. The Esprit de Corps isn;t quite there, and the Brotherhood is definately lacking.
God Loves a Marine!
Ohh Rah!


  • #33

Re: Funny Drill Sgt Insults?

(you're) the syphilitic remains of a Mongolian motherfucker!


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